A Large traumatic middle cerebral artery aneurysm in a Child: case report and review of literature





Dissecting aneurysm, middle cerebral artery, endovascular, pediatric aneurysms


A 6-year-old girl presented with a very large aneurysm of the distal branch of middle cerebral artery( angular artery). There was a previous history of mild traumatic brain injury. The presentation happened more than 5 weeks after the trauma with an  atypical visual complaint. She was successfully treated by embolization and occlusion of the parental vessel. Recognizing pos traumatic aneurysm is a challenging in young child and must be remembered in patients with a recent traumatic event. Endovascular treatment is a good option when the occlusion of the artery is possible in the presence of a good collateral circulation.


Key-words: Dissecting aneurysm; middle cerebral artery; endovascular; pediatric aneurysms


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How to Cite

Silva Neto A, Alves FAS, Dantas MCS, Lima FRV, da Cunha GG, Moura FA de A. A Large traumatic middle cerebral artery aneurysm in a Child: case report and review of literature. Arch Pediatr Neurosurg [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];4(1(January-April):e1182022. Available from: https://archpedneurosurg.com.br/sbnped2019/article/view/118

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